Extend or Renew Your Membership

Hi! If you have reached this page, it's because your membership has expired or is about to expire. But there is good news!

If you would like to extend your membership, I currently offer four membership extensions at a discounted rate. You can choose which one works best for you. 🙂

Note: Make sure you are logged into your member account prior to extending your membership, that way, you won't have to create a new username and password.  If you still have time left on your account, any purchase will be added to that time (i.e., you won't lose time you have already purchased)

Extension Options

2-week extension for existing members $45

Extend your current membership for 14 days at a discounted price.

Two Week Extension

3-month extension for existing members $55

Extend your current membership for 90 days at a discounted price.

Three Month Extension

1 year extension for existing members $69 (No ReelDx)

Extend your current membership for 12 months at a discounted price.

One Year Extension

1 year extension for existing members $89 (Upgrade or continue ReelDx)

Extend your current membership or upgrade to a ReelDx + membership for 12 months at a discounted price.

One Year Extension + ReelDX