Basal Cell Carcinoma: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Basal Cell Carcinoma: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

A 68-year-old male farmer presents with a flesh-colored papule with a rolled border located on the right side of his forehead. As you examine the lesion closely, you notice something else about the lesion. Which of the following physical exam findings would make you more suspicious of malignancy?

A. Telangiectasia
B. Nikolsky sign
C. Hypopigmentation
D. Tenderness to palpation
E. Central umbilication

Answer and topic summary

The answer is A. Telangiectasia

The patient has basal cell carcinoma, which is a skin cancer with low metastatic potential. It commonly occurs on the face (70% of the time). There are different types of BCC (nodular vs. superficial vs. infiltrative). However, nodular is the most common (80%) and typical characteristics you may see include a papule with a rolled border, pearly-like look, flesh-colored, and telangiectasia. Risk factors for BCC include UV radiation, certain genes, inherited disorders, etc.

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Smarty PANCE Content Blueprint Review:

Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint DermatologyDermatologic NeoplasmsBasal cell carcinoma

Also covered as part of the General Surgery EOR and Family Medicine EOR topic list