Cerebral palsy: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Cerebral palsy: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Which of the following is the most important risk factor for cerebral palsy?

A. Preterm birth
B. TORCH infections
C. Maternal drug abuse
D. Infertility treatments
E. Neonatal seizure

Answer and topic summary

The answer is A. Preterm birth 

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of musculoskeletal disorders due to damage to the brain during development (up to 3 years old) or in utero. It is the most common motor disability in children and leads to permanent motor dysfunction. Risk factors include low birth weight and preterm birth (most important), infertility treatments, TORCH infections, maternal drug/alcohol abuse, neonatal seizures, and post-natal infections. There are different types of CP (spastic vs. dyskinetic vs. ataxic), but some clinical features you may see include: excessive irritability, developmental delays, increased muscle tone, persistent primitive reflexes, hand preference in those < 1 year old, toe walking, muscle weakness/atrophy, etc. Workup may include cranial US during the early neonatal period or MRI in infants. There is no cure, sadly.

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Smarty PANCE Content Blueprint Review:

Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint Neurology ⇒ Neuromuscular disordersCerebral palsy 

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