Envenomation and arthropod bite reactions: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Envenomation and arthropod bite reactions: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for a patient with tissue necrosis from a brown recluse spider bite?

A. Wound care and IV antibiotics
B. Pain control and extremity elevation
C. Watchful waiting
D. IV fluids and antibiotics
E. Tissue debridement

Answer and topic summary

The answer is E. Tissue debridement

The brown recluse spider is a spider common in the South and North America region with a distinct violin-shaped mark on its cephalothorax. It’s a serious spider bite because it can lead to tissue necrosis. Clinical features include painLESS bite that leads to a painful blister, blue/black skin discoloration, and eventually a black eschar. In patients who experience more envenomation, they may have a more bull’s-eye-like lesion (the center is blue with an outer pale and red ring). Treatment is wound care and tissue debridement.

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Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint Dermatology ⇒ Envenomation and arthropod bite reactions

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