Fetal distress: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Fetal distress: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Which of the following is a concerning (pathological) fetal heart rate tracing finding?

A. Moderate baseline FHR variability
B. Induced accelerations
C. Early decelerations
D. Recurrent late decelerations
E. Fetal HR 110-160 bpm

Answer and topic summary

The answer is D. Recurrent late decelerations

In the FIGO consensus guidelines, fetal heart rate (FHR) tracings are classified as normal, suspicious, or pathological (category I, II, and II, respectively). Category I FHR tracings are normal and can include baseline heart rate between 110-160, moderate variability, no late or variable decelerations, possible early decelerations, and possible accelerations. Category II FHR tracings are very broad and include but are not limited to the following: bradycardia with variability, tachycardia, minimal variability, absence of induced accelerations, recurrent variable decelerations with minimal or moderate baseline variability, etc. Category III FHR tracings are abnormal/pathologic and can include no variability, recurrent late decelerations, variable decelerations, bradycardia, or a sinusoidal pattern.

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Smarty PANCE Content Blueprint Review:

Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint Reproductive SystemComplicated Pregnancy ⇒ Fetal distress

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