Gastritis: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Gastritis: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Which of the following is the overall best test for evaluating a patient with persistent epigastric pain?

A. Abdominal x-ray
B. Upper GI endoscopy
C. Colonoscopy
D. RUQ ultrasound
E. MRI abdomen/pelvis

Answer and topic summary

The answer is B. Upper GI endoscopy

Acute gastritis is characterized by acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The two most common causes are NSAIDs and H.pylori. Other causes include alcohol, physiologic stress, and smoking. Patients will often complain of burning epigastric pain. Management includes stopping aggravating factors and a trial of acid suppression with PPIs. Upper GI endoscopy and H. pylori testing can be done for refractory or concerning cases. Overall, an upper GI endoscopy is the best test for evaluating patients with epigastric pain, as it can diagnose gastritis, esophagitis, and ulcer disease.

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Smarty PANCE Content Blueprint Review:

Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint GI and NutritionGastric Disorders (PEARLS)Gastritis

Also covered as part of the Internal Medicine EOR, Family Medicine EOR, and Emergency Medicine PAEA EOR topic list

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