Gynecomastia: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Gynecomastia: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Which of the following medications is NOT known to cause gynecomastia as a side effect?

A. Ketoconazole
B. Cimetidine
C. Finasteride
D. Spironolactone
E. Atenolol

Answer and topic summary

The answer is E. Atenolol

Gynecomastia is defined as mammary gland tissue proliferation in males. It can be due to an increased estrogen/testosterone ratio but can also be idiopathic as well. Specific causes include cancer, hyperthyroidism, Klinefelter syndrome, CKD, hypogonadism, and medications (e.g., finasteride, cimetidine, ketoconazole, spironolactone, androgenic steroids, opioids, etc). Workup may include CMP, thyroid function test, sex hormone profile, AFP, hCG, etc. Imaging is not routinely recommended. Treatment includes managing the underlying cause.

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Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint Reproductive SystemBreast DisordersGynecomastia

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