Hydronephrosis: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Hydronephrosis: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Which of the following is the best initial diagnostic test for suspected hydronephrosis?

A. CT scan of abd/pelvis
B. MRI with contrast
C. Abdominal x-ray
D. Renal Ultrasound

Answer and topic summary

The answer is D. Renal Ultrasound

Hydronephrosis is defined by dilatation/distension of the renal collecting system due to some sort of obstruction of urine outflow in the ureter, bladder, or urethra. Usually, patients are asymptomatic, but they may complain of urinary urgency, hematuria, or changes in urine output. Labs may show increased serum creatinine, hematuria, pyuria, and hyperkalemia. The best initial test is a renal US to exclude or diagnose any obstruction of the urinary tract. Management depends on what the cause is and how severe the condition is (i.e., AKI, urosepsis, metabolic derangements, etc.). For example, if bladder dysfunction or the lower urinary tract is the issue, a urinary catheter can be placed. If the patient has an upper urinary tract obstruction, then a ureteral stent could be placed. Other causes (e.g., BPH, kidney stones, prolapse, cancer, etc) are dealt with separately / differently. Antibiotics should be started if the patient has a concurrent UTI.

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Smarty PANCE Content Blueprint Review:

Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint Renal SystemCongenital or structural renal disordersHydronephrosis

Also covered as part of the Internal Medicine EOR topic lists

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