Prenatal Care: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Prenatal Care: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

How many days after conception can a serum beta-HCG test turn positive?

A. 5-6 days
B. 7-10 days
C. 11-12 days
D. 13-14 days
E. 15-16 days

Answer and topic summary

The answer is B. 7-10 days 

HCG is secreted into the maternal circulation after implantation, which may occur as early as 6 days after ovulation but typically occurs 7 (or 8, depending on the source) to 10 days after ovulation (ovulation occurs around day 14 of a 28-day menstrual cycle). This is the earliest that hCG can be detected with a standard serum hCG test.

  • Serum pregnancy tests – A serum pregnancy test is more sensitive than a urine pregnancy test in early pregnancy (ie, just before or after a missed menstrual period).
  • Urine pregnancy tests – Although the urine pregnancy test is less sensitive than the serum test, almost all pregnant people will have a positive urine pregnancy test one week after the first day of a missed menstrual period.
  • Home pregnancy tests – The accuracy of home pregnancy tests is affected by the sensitivity of the specific test kit, as well as the user’s technique and interpretation. On the first day after a missed period, as many as 46 percent of pregnant people will have a negative test. Positive results on a home-based test should be confirmed by a serum or urine hCG test performed by a clinician or by another definitive test.

Source: UpToDate

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Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint Reproductive SystemUncomplicated PregnancyPrenatal diagnosis and care

Also covered as part of the Women's Health EOR and Family Medicine EOR Topic Lists

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