Prenatal diagnosis and care: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Prenatal diagnosis and care: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

During a routine prenatal visit, a 28-year-old woman in her second trimester of pregnancy. On examination, you note a bluish or purplish discoloration of the vagina and cervix. This finding is known as which of the following?

A. Hegar's sign
B. McDonald's sign
C. Cullen's sign
D. Chadwick's sign
E. Goodell's sign

Answer and topic summary

The answer is D. Chadwick’s sign

Chadwick’s sign is characterized by a bluish or purplish discoloration of the vagina and cervix, which can be observed as early as 6-8 weeks into the pregnancy. This change is due to increased blood flow and vascular congestion in the pelvic area as the body adapts to pregnancy. Chadwick’s sign is one of the early signs that may suggest pregnancy during a pelvic examination.

Explanation for Incorrect Answers:

A. Hegar’s sign – Hegar’s sign is the softening of the lower uterine segment found upon bimanual examination and is another early sign of pregnancy, but it does not describe the discoloration of the vagina and cervix.

B. McDonald’s sign – McDonald’s sign refers to the ease with which the uterus can be flexed against the cervix, indicative of pregnancy, but again, it does not pertain to the discoloration observed.

C. Cullen’s sign – Cullen’s sign is the appearance of bruising in the skin around the umbilicus. It is not related to pregnancy but rather is associated with acute pancreatitis or other intra-abdominal bleeding conditions.

E. Goodell’s sign – Goodell’s sign is the softening of the cervical tip, which can be an early sign of pregnancy. Like Hegar’s sign, it does not refer to the discoloration of the vagina and cervix.

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Smarty PANCE Content Blueprint Review:

Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint Reproductive System ⇒ Uncomplicated Pregnancy ⇒ Prenatal diagnosis and care

Also covered as part of the Women's Health EOR and Family Medicine EOR Topic Lists