Renal Diseases: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Renal Diseases: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

A urine output of < 400 mL/day is defined as?

A. Anuria
B. Polyuria
C. Oliguria
D. Nocturia
E. Azotemia

Answer and topic summary

The answer is C. Oliguria

  • Oliguria or hypouresis is the low output of urine, specifically > 80 ml/day but less than 400 ml/day. Oliguria is one of the first indicators of acute renal injury.
  • Anuria is nonpassage of urine and represents a urine output of < 100 ml/day. Anuria is often caused by a failure in the function of the kidneys.
    • It may also occur because of some severe obstruction, like kidney stones or tumors. It may occur with end-stage kidney disease. It is a more extreme reduction than oliguria, with 100 mL/day being the conventional (albeit slightly arbitrary) cutoff point between the two.
  • Polyuria is an increase in the total volume of urine, usually > 3000 ml/day.
  • Azotemia refers to elevated serum concentrations of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine
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PANCE Blueprint Renal System => Renal Diseases (PEARLS) 

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