Hyperkalemia: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Hyperkalemia: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Which of the following is not a cause of hyperkalemia?

A. Spironolactone
B. Rhabdomyolysis
C. Renal failure
D. Tumor lysis syndrome
E. All of the above are causes

Answer and topic summary

The answer is E. All of the above are causes

Hyperkalemia is a common problem and is defined as potassium over 5.0 mmol/L. Severe hyperkalemia is generally defined as potassium over 6 mmol/L with EKG changes +/- symptoms. EKG changes you may see include peaked T waves and widening of QRS complexes. Causes of hyperkalemia include iatrogenic (PRBC transfusions, spironolactone, ACEI/ARBs), cells destruction (hemolysis, TLS, rhabdomyolysis, burns), redistribution of potassium (acidosis, lack of insulin), and renal failure. Calcium gluconate is the best initial treatment option for severe hyperkalemia as it stabilizes the cardiac membrane. You can shift potassium inside cells by giving insulin, albuterol, or sodium bicarbonate. You can also choose to remove potassium by giving Lasix, kayexalate, or even hemodialysis.

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Smarty PANCE Content Blueprint Review:

Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint Renal System ⇒ Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders (PEARLS)Hyperkalemia/hypokalemia

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