Bladder cancer: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Bladder cancer: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Which of the following is not a known risk factor for bladder cancer?

A. Exposure to aromatic amines
B. Cyclophosphamide
C. Cigarette smoking
D. Processed red meats
E. Alcohol use

Answer and topic summary

The answer is E. Alcohol use

Bladder cancer is the 6th most common malignancy in the U.S. Risk factor include male sex, older age, exposure to certain chemicals, cigarette smoking, medications (e.g., cyclophosphamide), chronic bladder infections, and family history. The most common type of bladder cancer is urothelial (transition cell) carcinoma. Clinical features include painless hematuria (MC), urinary frequency, nocturia, dysuria, and abdominal or pelvic pain. Initial evaluation may include cystoscopy and imaging of the upper urinary tract with CT urography. Management depends on the extent of the disease at the time of diagnosis and at the time of transurethral resection of the bladder tumor.

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