Six Blood Pressure Medication facts to know for your PANRE

Six Blood Pressure Medication facts to know for your PANRE

The most common BP meds and facts you need to know for your board exam

  1. Ace inhibitors are associated with cough, angioedema and can cause hyperkalemia. They are contraindicated in pregnancy.
  2. Spironolactone (a potassium sparing diuretic) can also cause hyperkalemia
  3. β blockers are contraindicated in Asthma and may cause impotence
  4. CCB cause leg edema, verapamil and diltiazem are rate control CCBs and thus can be used in conditions such as atrial fibrillation
  5. αblockers treat htn and BPH
  6. Hydralazine can cause lupus like syndrome as well as pericarditis

From: Smarty PANCE Cardiology Review