Colonic Polyps: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Colonic Polyps: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Which of the following types of colon polyps have the highest malignancy potential?

A. Tubular adenoma
B. Serrated polyps
C. Hyperplastic polyps
D. Villous adenoma
E. Hamartomatous polyps

Answer and topic summary

The answer is D. Villous adenoma

Colon polyps are defined by overgrowths of the colonic mucosa. Risk factors include a diet high in red meat/fat, obesity, alcoholism, cigarette smoking, and genetics. There are different classifications: adenomatous (MC), inflammatory, serrated, hamartomatous, and hyperplastic. Adenomatous polyps can be further divided into tubular adenoma, tubulovillous adenoma, and villous adenoma (highest malignancy potential). Diagnosis is made via colonoscopy with biopsy.

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Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint GI and NutritionColorectal disordersPolyps

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