Hyperparathyroidism: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Hyperparathyroidism: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Which of the following is the most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism?

A. Medullary thyroid cancer
B. MEN type 2A
C. Parathyroid adenoma
D. Chronic kidney disease
E. Parathyroid carcinoma

Answer and topic summary

The answer is C. Parathyroid adenoma

Hyperparathyroidism is a disorder characterized by excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH directly helps with calcium reabsorption, phosphate excretion, and activation for 1a-hydroxylase. You can remember the clinical features of hyperparathyroidism by this saying: “bones, stones, abdominal groans, psychic moans with fatigue overtones.” Meaning these patients may have depression, fatigue, kidney stones, peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis, depression, and bone pain/fractures. You would expect patients to have increased serum calcium, increased urinary calcium, and decreased serum phosphorus in primary hyperparathyroidism. The most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism is parathyroid adenoma. Other etiologies include hyperplasia, carcinomas, MEN type1/2A, etc. Management depends on the severity.

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Smarty PANCE Content Blueprint Review:

Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint Endocrinology ⇒ Parathyroid disordersHyperparathyroidism

Also covered as part of the Internal Medicine, General Surgery, and Emergency Medicine PAEA EOR topic list

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