Women’s Health Rotation

Women’s Health Rotation (EOR) Exam Topic List

Women's Health End of Rotation PAEA™ Exam Topic List
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Amenorrhea Normal physiology
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Dysmenorrhea Premenstrual syndrome
Cervicitis (gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes simplex, human papillomavirus) Pelvic Inflammatory disease
Chancroid Syphilis
Lymphogranuloma venereum Vaginitis (trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, atrophic vaginitis, candidiasis)
Breast cancer Endometrial cancer
Cervical carcinoma Ovarian neoplasms
Cervical dysplasia Vaginal/vulvar neoplasms
Disorders of the Breast (PEARLS)
Breast abscess Fibrocystic disease
Breast fibroadenoma Mastitis
Structural Abnormalities (PEARLS)
Cystocele Rectocele
Ovarian torsion Uterine prolapse
Other (PEARLS)
Contraceptive methods Ovarian cyst
Endometriosis Sexual assault
Infertility Spouse or partner neglect/violence
Leiomyoma Urinary incontinence


Prenatal Care and Normal Pregnancy (PEARLS)
Apgar score Normal labor and delivery (stages, duration, mechanism of delivery, monitoring)
Fetal position Physiology of pregnancy
Multiple gestations Prenatal diagnosis/care
Pregnancy Complications (PEARLS)
Abortion Placenta abruption
Ectopic pregnancy Placenta previa
Gestational diabetes Preeclampsia/eclampsia
Gestational trophoblastic disease (molar pregnancy, choriocarcinoma) Pregnancy-induced hypertension
Incompetent cervix Rh incompatibility
Labor and Delivery Complications (PEARLS)
Breech presentation Premature rupture of membranes
Dystocia Preterm labor
Fetal distress Prolapsed umbilical cord
Postpartum Care (PEARLS)
Endometritis Perineal laceration/episiotomy care
Normal physiology changes of puerperium Postpartum hemorrhage
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