PANRE Smart Search: Rapid, Relevant, and Reliable PANRE Pilot Search

PANRE Smart Search Rapid Quick Relevant Reliable PANRE Pilot Alternative Search

PANRE Smart Search: Rapid, Relevant, and Reliable PANRE Pilot Search

Quick, you've got two minutes and an unlimited number of text and internet resources at your disposal to come up with the best answer on your PANRE pilot exam.

Time is ticking, and you're unsure of your answer. What are you going to do?

Should you consult UpToDate? WebMD? Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment? These are tried and true references but the results are broad, irrelevant, and in one word: overwhelming!

If there was only a better way? Well, now there is!

⇒ Use The PANRE Search Tool

Introducing PANRE Smart Search

I'm excited to introduce the first-ever PANRE Smart Search tool (search results limited for non-members). Designed to give you rapid, relevant, and reliable answers to PANRE Pilot exam questions.

The PANRE blueprint smart search allows for the real-time search of all level 1, level 2, and level 3 PANRE blueprint content and in turn, provides search results that are based solely on PANRE blueprint content.

The PANRE Pilot Exam

The PANRE pilot exam is a computer-based exam that you can take any time and from any device. Participants must respond to 25 questions each quarter during the pilot period. Each quarter participants will have ten weeks to respond to 25 questions.

PANRE Pilot Quarters:

  • Quarter 1: July - Sep 2018
  • Quarter 2: Oct - Sep 2018
  • Quarter 3: Jan - Mar 2019
  • Quarter 4: Apr-Jun 2019
  • Quarter 5: July - Sep 2019
  • Quarter 6: Oct-Dec 2019
  • Quarter 7: Jan - Mar 2020
  • Quarter 8: Apr-Jun 2020

What you can do:

  • The NCCPA requires that you work independently and per the NCCPA guidelines "consult reference materials such as books or online journals if time allows."

Let me repeat, there is absolutely no penalty for using references.

What you can't do:

  • Work with other people while answering exam questions
  • Distribute or share exam content (including questions, answers, and rationales) with others
  • Copy, save, screen capture, or memorize and reproduce or publish exam questions or content
  • Identify with others prior to the end of an assessment after the specific knowledge areas that are addressed in exam questions nor ask others about the specific knowledge areas address in the exam questions

Time is Ticking

The NCCPA PANRE Pilot Countdown Timer

You have a limited amount of time to complete each multiple-choice question. Once you begin a question you cannot pause or restart the timer for any reason.

You will have the same amount of time to answer each question within a quarter

  • The amount of time you have to answer a question will vary in each quarter. For example, you may have five minutes to answer each question in the first quarter followed by three minutes to answer each question in the second quarter. The most amount of time given in a quarter will be five minutes and the least amount of time is two minutes.
  • If the timer expires before you finish a question the question will be marked incorrect

You receive immediate feedback after every section.

Smart Search Means Better Results. Instantly!

Those using the PANRE Smart Search tool available only on the Smarty PANCE website have seen their PANRE Pilot results improve drastically.

One user reported an immediate 30% increase in her fifth quarter scores which for her means spending time with her newborn instead of another year of PANRE preparation!

What does passing your PANRE the first time mean to you?

The PANRE Smart Search Tool is available today to all Smarty PANCE members. So stop stressing and join today.

Start Your Search