Penile Cancer: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Penile Cancer: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Which of the following is not a risk factor for penile cancer?

A. HPV infection
B. Human immunodeficiency virus infection
C. Tobacco abuse
D. Untreated phimosis
E. Circumcision before adulthood

Answer and topic summary

The answer is E. Circumcision before adulthood

Carcinoma of the penis is a relatively rare tumor that mainly occurs in older males. Risk factors include: tobacco abuse, HPV infection, HIV, and untreated phimosis. The most common type is squamous cell. Clinical features include a painless lump or ulcerative lesion of the penis, swollen inguinal lymph nodes, and a chronic rash. Diagnosis is made with a biopsy. MRI of the penis and CT of the pelvis help with tumor staging. Treatment depends on the extent of the cancer.

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Smarty PANCE Content Blueprint Review:

Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint GenitourinarNeoplasms of the Genitourinary SystemPenile Cancer

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