The Daily PANCE and PANRE Question 4

A patient describes a history of recurrent bouts of uveitis. Her chemistry panel reveals elevated serum calcium and uric acid levels. Her anergy screen is negative. Her chest x-ray demonstrates bilateral hilar adenopathy. Which diagnosis is most likely?

  1. Silicosis
  2. Sarcoidosis
  3. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
  4. Histoplasmosis
  5. Tuberculosis

Answer: B


Sarcoidosis typically presents with hilar lymphadenopathy and noncaseating granulomas of the lungs (and other organs). In addition, patients may have eye involvement (uveitis). Elevations of ACE, Calcium and uric acid are frequently seen.

Know Your Content Blueprint

Sarcoidosis is part of the NCCPA Content Blueprint Pulmonary System

Review Topic: Sarcoidosis