Peritonsillar Abscess: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Peritonsillar Abscess: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

A 12-year-old male presents with a sore throat, fever, dysphagia, and a muffled voice. On physical exam, the uvula is deviated. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Pharyngitis only
B. Retropharyngeal abscess
C. Peritonsillar abscess
D. Oral candidiasis
E. Foreign body

Answer and topic summary

The answer is C. Peritonsillar abscess

A peritonsillar abscess is a collection of pus near the tonsils. The most common causes are Streptococcus pyogenes (group A), Streptococcus anginosus, & Staphylococcus aureus. Clinical features include muffled voice, sore throat, fever, drooling, neck pain, fatigue, and decreased PO intake. On physical exam, the uvula may be deviated. Diagnostic tests that can be done include ultrasound or CT with contrast (depends). Treatment is antibiotics, drainage, and supportive care.

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Smarty PANCE Content Blueprint Review:

Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint EENTOropharyngeal disordersInfectious and inflammatory disorders ⇒ Peritonsillar abscess

Also covered as part of the Pediatric EOR, Family Medicine EOR, and Emergency Medicine EOR topic list