Glaucoma: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

Glaucoma: The Daily PANCE Blueprint

A 65-year-old woman presents to the emergency room with severe pain in her right eye, accompanied by nausea and blurred vision. On examination, her right eye shows injected conjunctiva, a cloudy cornea, and a fixed, mid-dilated pupil. What is the most likely diagnosis?

(A) Conjunctivitis
(B) Retinal detachment
(C) Acute angle-closure glaucoma
(D) Optic neuritis
(E) Dry eye syndrome

Answer and topic summary

The answer is (C) Acute angle-closure glaucoma.

Acute angle-closure glaucoma is characterized by a sudden increase in intraocular pressure, leading to severe eye pain, nausea, and blurred vision. Acute glaucoma often presents with abdominal complaints that may delay diagnosis. The classic triad includes injected conjunctiva, a cloudy cornea, and a fixed, mid-dilated pupil. Diagnosis is made based on clinical presentation and elevated intraocular pressure. This is a medical emergency! Treatment includes medications to lower intraocular pressure and laser peripheral iridotomy.

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Smarty PANCE Content Blueprint Review:

Covered under ⇒ PANCE Blueprint EENTDisorders of the EyeVision abnormalities => Glaucoma

Also covered as part of the Family Medicine EOR, Internal Medicine EOR, and Emergency Medicine EOR Topic Lists

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