General Surgery Rotation

General Surgery: Gastrointestinal and Nutritional (PEARLS)

The General Surgery End of Rotation Blueprint gastrointestinal and nutritional section includes 32 topics and represents 50% of your General Surgery EOR exam

Abdominal pain


PUD, gastritis, MI, pancreatitis, biliary colic, gastric volvulus, Mallory-Weiss


Cholecystitis, hepatitis, PUD, perforated ulcer, pancreatitis, liver tumors, gastritis, hepatic abscess, choledocholithiasis, cholangitis, pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis, appendicitis (especially during pregnancy); thoracic causes (e.g., pleurisy/pneumonia), PE, pericarditis, MI (especially inferior MI).


PUD, perforated ulcer, gastritis, splenic injury, abscess, reflux, dissecting aortic aneurysm, thoracic causes, pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis, hiatal hernia (strangulated paraesophageal hernia), Boerhaave’s syndrome, Mallory-Weiss tear, splenic artery aneurysm, colon disease.


Diverticulitis, sigmoid volvulus, perforated colon, colon cancer, urinary tract infection, small bowel obstruction, inflammatory bowel disease, nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis, fluid accumulation from aneurysm or perforation, referred hip pain, gynecologic causes, appendicitis (rare).


Appendicitis! And same as LLQ; also mesenteric lymphadenitis, cecal diverticulitis, Meckel’s diverticulum, intussusception

Image by Lecturio

Acute and chronic cholecystitis A 45-year-old woman with RUQ pain for 12 hours, fever, and leukocytosis


  • 5 Fs: Female, Fat, Forty, Fertile, Fair
  • (+) Murphy's sign (RUQ pain with GB palpation on inspiration)
  • RUQ pain after a high-fat meal


  • Ultrasound is the preferred initial imaging
  • Gallbladder wall >3 mm, pericholecystic fluid, gallstones
  • HIDA is the best test (Gold Standard)
  • porcelain gallbladder = chronic cholecystitis

Treatment: Cholecystectomy

Acute and chronic pancreatitis Epigastric pain radiating to back, with nausea and vomiting

Acute Pancreatitis - epigastric abdominal pain with radiation to the back and elevated lipase

  • Etiology: Cholelithiasis or alcohol abuse
  • Diagnosis:
    • Clinical + elevated lipase and amylase
    • CT is required to differentiate from necrotic pancreatitis
  • Signs: Grey Turner's sign (flank bruising), Cullen’s sign (bruising near umbilicus)

Hemorrhagic pancreatitis - Grey Turner's sign

This 40-year-old woman complained of worsening epigastric pain of five days duration. On examination, she had hypotension, a board-like abdomen, and extensive ecchymosis over her right loin (Grey Turner’s sign)

Cullen's sign

Acute pancreatitis with Cullen’s sign

Ranson’s criteria for poor prognosis:

At admit:

  • Age > 55
  • Leukocyte: >16,000
  • Glucose: >200
  • LDH: >350
  • AST: >250

At 48 hrs:

  • Arterial PO2: <60
  • HCO3: <20
  • Calcium: <8.0
  • BUN: Increase by 1.8+
  • Hematocrit: decrease by >10%
  • Fluid sequestration >6L

Treatment: IV fluids (best), analgesics, bowel rest

Complication: pancreatic pseudocyst (a circumscribed collection of fluid rich in pancreatic enzymes, blood, and necrotic tissue)

Chronic Pancreatitis - the classic triad of pancreatic calcification (plain abdominal x-ray), steatorrhea (high fecal fat), and diabetes mellitus

  • Alcohol abuse
  • Treatment: No alcohol, low-fat diet
Anal disease (fissures, abscess, fistula) Excruciating pain with bowel movement (anal fissure)

Anorectal abscess is a result of infection, whereas fistula is a chronic complication of an abscess.

  • Produce painful swelling at the anus as well as painful defecation. Examination reveals localized tenderness, erythema, swelling, and fluctuance; fever is uncommon.
  • Deeper abscesses may produce buttock or coccyx pain and rectal fullness; fever is more likely.

Treatment of abscess requires surgical drainage, followed by warm-water cleansing, analgesics, stool softeners, and a high-fiber diet are prescribed for all patients

  • Many abscesses can be drained as an in-office procedure; deeper abscesses may require drainage in the operating room.
  • Antibiotics are needed for high-risk patients

Anorectal fistula is an open tract between two epithelium-lined areas and is associated with deeper anorectal abscesses

  •  Fistulae will produce anal discharge and pain when the tract becomes occluded.

Fistula must be treated surgically

Anal fissure

Tearing rectal pain and bleeding which occurs with or shortly after defecationbright red blood on toilet paper

  • Superficial laceration (paper cut like)
  • Pain lasts for several hours and subsides until the next bowel movement


  • Sitz baths, increase dietary fiber, and water intake, stool softeners or laxatives
  • Usually heals in 6 weeks
  • Botulinum toxin A injection (if failed conservative treatment)
Anorexia Think Appendicitis - Classic chronological order: 1. Periumbilical pain (intermittent and crampy) 2. Nausea/vomiting 3. Anorexia 4. Pain migrates to RLQ (constant and intense pain), usually in 24 hours

  • Gastric ulcers: Epigastric pain, vomiting, anorexia, and nausea
  • Duodenal ulcers: Epigastric pain—burning or aching, usually several hours after a meal (food, milk, or antacids initially relieve pain). Bleeding Back pain, Nausea, vomiting, and ↓ appetite
  • Gastric cancer: “WEAPON”: Weight loss, Emesis, Anorexia, Pain/epigastric discomfort, Obstruction, Nausea
  • Lower GI bleed: Hematochezia (bright red blood per rectum [BRBPR]), with or without abdominal pain, melena, anorexia, fatigue, syncope, shortness of breath, shock
  • Carcinoma of the gallbladder: Biliary colic, weight loss, anorexia; many patients are asymptomatic until late; may present as acute cholecystitis
  • Pancreatic carcinoma: Painless jaundice from obstruction of the common bile duct; weight loss; abdominal pain; back pain; weakness; pruritus from bile salts in the skin; anorexia; Courvoisier’s sign; acholic stools; dark urine; diabetes
  • Thyroid disease
  • Medications: sedatives, digoxin, laxatives, thiazide diuretics, narcotics, antibiotics
Appendicitis The first symptom is crampy or "colicky" pain around the navel (periumbilical)

  • There is usually a marked reduction in or total absence of appetite, often associated with nausea, and occasionally, vomiting and low-grade fever
  • As the inflammation increases, the abdominal pain tends to move downward - begins in epigastrium → umbilicus → RLQ
  • Right lower quadrant= "McBurney's point." This "rebound tenderness" suggests inflammation has spread to
    the peritoneum


Clinical diagnosis:

  • Imaging if atypical presentation - appy ultrasound or abdominal CT scan
  • CBC - neutrophilia supports the diagnosis

TX: surgical appendectomy

Bariatric surgery Guidelines for bariatric surgery which include:

  • BMI > 40 (basically, 100 pounds above ideal body weight) or
  • BMI > 35 with a medical problem related to morbid obesity
  • Individuals must have failed other non-surgical weight loss programs.
  • They must be psychologically stable and able to follow post-op instructions.
  • Obesity is not caused by a medical disease such as endocrine disorders.

BMI: body weight in kg divided by height in meters squared

Bowel obstruction (small, large, volvulus)
What finding on abdominal x-ray should make you think of bowel obstruction?
Air fluid levels

ReelDx Virtual Rounds (Small bowel obstruction)

Small bowel obstruction (SBO)

Patient with small bowel obstruction will present as → a 55-year-old male presents to the emergency department with a two-day history of severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and inability to pass stool or gas. He describes the pain as crampy and worsening, localized initially around the umbilicus but now diffused across the abdomen. His medical history is significant for an open appendectomy 20 years ago. On examination, his abdomen is distended and tender with high-pitched, tinkling bowel sounds. He is afebrile, but his heart rate is elevated. An abdominal X-ray reveals dilated loops of small bowel with air-fluid levels. You note valvulae conniventes across the full width of the bowel suggestive of a small bowel obstruction. A CT scan of the abdomen confirms the diagnosis, showing a transition point with no evidence of strangulation. The patient is admitted for nasogastric decompression, intravenous fluids, and bowel rest. Surgery is consulted for potential operative intervention, given his history of previous abdominal surgery and the likelihood of adhesive disease. The patient is closely monitored for signs of bowel ischemia or perforation.
  • MCC: Postoperative adhesions (MC cause in adults) or hernias, cancer, IBD, volvulus, and intussusception (MC cause in children)
  • Obstruction is typically in the ileum or jejunum
  • History of prior abdominal surgery
  • Symptoms include colicky abdominal pain, nausea, bilious vomiting, abdominal distention, and diarrhea
  • High-pitched hyperactive bowel sounds (early) progressing to silent bowel sounds (hypoactive bowel sounds -late)
  • Dehydration + electrolyte imbalances

DX: Obtain plain radiographs to quickly confirm a diagnosis of bowel obstruction, and, provided the films do not have findings that indicate the need for immediate intervention, then use computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis to further characterize the nature, severity, and potential etiologies of the obstruction

  • KUB shows dilated small bowel loops (< 3 cm), air-fluid levels in the small bowel with valvulae conniventes visible across the full width of the bowel, string of pearls (multiple air-fluid levels), and paucity of gas in the colon

TX: Treat with decompression with an NGT, surgery if a mechanical obstruction is suspected

Small Bowel Obstruction Demonstrating Air Fluid Levels and Dilated Loops of Bowel

Hyperactive bowel sounds, as heard in SBO

Large Bowel obstruction (LBO)

Patient with large bowel obstruction will present as → 70-year-old female presents to the emergency department with a three-day history of worsening abdominal distension, constipation, and intermittent, crampy abdominal pain. She reports her last bowel movement was four days ago, which was smaller in caliber than usual. She has a history of chronic constipation and a 20-pound unintentional weight loss over the past six months. On examination, her abdomen is markedly distended, tympanic to percussion, and tender on palpation, particularly in the lower quadrants. No bowel sounds are heard on auscultation. Her vital signs show mild tachycardia but are otherwise stable. An abdominal X-ray reveals dilated loops of large bowel with haustra and a “cut-off” sign in the sigmoid region. A CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis confirms a large bowel obstruction with a suspected mass in the sigmoid colon. The patient is admitted for nasogastric decompression, intravenous fluids, and bowel rest. Surgery and gastroenterology are consulted for further evaluation, including potential colonoscopy and biopsy of the mass. The patient is counseled about the likelihood of colorectal cancer as a potential underlying cause and the need for surgical intervention.
  • MCC: cancer, strictures, hernias, volvulus, and fecal impaction
  • Obstruction is typically in the colon or rectum
  • Symptoms include gradually increasing abdominal pain with longer intervals between episodes of pain, abdominal distention, constipation, less nausea and vomiting (may be delayed) - late-onset feculent vomiting, blood in stool, more common in the elderly
  • Patients may be febrile and tachycardic => shock may ensue
  • Dehydration + electrolyte imbalances

DX: Obtain plain radiographs to quickly confirm a diagnosis of bowel obstruction, and, provided the films do not have findings that indicate the need for immediate intervention, then use computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis to further characterize the nature, severity, and potential etiologies of the obstruction

  • KUB shows dilated colon (> 5 cm), air-fluid levels in the colonhaustra (small pouches caused by sacculation, which give the colon its segmented appearance) that do not transverse bowel, bird beak sign: narrowing of the lumen at the site of obstruction

TX: Bowel rest, NG tube placement, surgery as directed by the underlying cause

Upright abdominal X-ray demonstrating a bowel obstruction

KUB in LBO demonstrates dilated loops of the large bowel with haustra (lines that don't traverse the large bowel) and air-fluid levels in the large intestine


On the physical exam:

  • In small bowel obstruction, vomiting is more common, and the pain tends to be periumbilical, cramping, and intermittent – with bouts that last for a few minutes at a time
  • In large bowel obstruction, vomiting is less common, and the pain is lower in the abdomen and the bouts of pain are less frequent but last a bit longer

On the abdominal x-ray (KUB):

  • Large bowel obstruction presents with haustra (small pouches caused by sacculation, which give the colon its segmented appearance) that do not transverse bowel
  • Small bowel obstruction presents with valvulae conniventes (white lines passing across the full width of the bowel) that are only found in the small bowel

Large Bowel Obstruction vs Small Bowel Obstruction

Cholangitis RUQ pain, jaundice, and fever

Cholangitis is a complication of gallstones with symptoms secondary to an infected obstruction of the common bile duct (E.coli is the #1 cause)

  • Charcot’s triad: RUQ tenderness, jaundice, fever
  • Reynold’s pentad: Charcot’s triad + altered mental status and hypotension

ERCP is the optimal procedure both for diagnosis and for treatment

Cholelithiasis and choledocholithiasis A precursor to cholecystitis, cholesterol stones account for > 85% of gallstones in the Western world
Colorectal carcinoma Painless rectal bleeding and a change in bowel habits in a patient 50-80 years of age

  • Apple core lesion on barium enema, adenoma most common type,
  • Tumor Marker: CEA
  • More likely to be malignant: sessile, > 1 cm, villous
  • Less likely to be malignant: Pedunculated, < 1 cm, tubular

Tx: resection and adjuvant chemotherapy

Colon cancer screening for average-risk patients should begin at 45 years and end at 75 years of age

  • Stool tests: 
    • Guaiac-based fecal occult blood (gFOBT) – once per year
    • Fecal immunochemical test (FIT) – once per year
    • FIT-DNA test (combines FIT with a test that detects altered DNA in stool) – once every one or three years
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy – once every 5 years or every 10 years with a FIT every year (serious complications occur in approximately 3.4 per 10,000 procedures)
  • Colonoscopy: once every 10 years
    • Perforation of the colon occurs in an estimated 3.8 per 10,000 procedures
    • Serious complications—including perforation, major bleeding, diverticulitis, severe abdominal pain, and cardiovascular events occur in an estimated 25 per 10,000 procedures
  • CT colonography: once every 5 years (1 additional individual per 1000 would develop cancer in his or her lifetime due to radiation exposure)

USPSTF colorectal cancer screening guidelines

**When adequate screening colonoscopy is accomplished, intercurrent stool tests (i.e., between colonoscopy examinations) are not necessary. In addition, for patients who have had a negative colonoscopy and have been recommended to have routine screening in 10 years, screening with FIT or other screening tests is not indicated prior to the end of the 10-year period.

**There is adequate evidence that the benefits of detection and early intervention decline after age 75 years

Diarrhea, constipation, obstipation, and change in bowel habits Constipation: Defined as less than 2 bowel movements per week

Obstipation is a severe form of constipation, where a person cannot pass stool or gas

Bowel obstruction

  • Small bowel obstruction
    • Colicky abdominal pain, nausea, bilious vomiting, obstipation, abdominal distention, hyperactive bowel sounds (early) or hypoactive bowel sounds (late), prior abdominal surgery
  • Large bowel obstruction
    • Gradually increasing abdominal pain with longer intervals between episodes of pain, abdominal distention, obstipation, less vomiting (feculent), more common in the elderly


  • Hypomotility of the gastrointestinal tract in the absence of mechanical bowel obstruction
  • Ileus that persists for more than 3 d following surgery is termed postoperative adynamic ileus or paralytic ileus
  • Signs: Absent bowel sounds
  • CT scan with gastrografin—must exclude mechanical obstruction


  • A condition that affects the stomach muscles and prevents proper stomach emptying
  • MCC: Diabetes


Pseudomembranous colitis

  • Inflammation of the colon caused by the bacteria Clostridium difficile
  • Occurs secondary to treatment with antibiotics with broad-spectrum antibiotics - penicillins, cephalosporins, and FQ
  • Mild watery, foul-smelling diarrhea (> 3 but <20 stools/day)
  • IV metronidazole OR PO vancomycin (this is the only use for oral vancomycin)
Diverticular disease LLQ pain, tenderness, abdominal distention, fever and leukocytosis in older patients

Inflammation of an abnormal pouch (diverticulum) in the intestinal wall, usually found in the large intestine. The presence of the pouches themselves is called diverticulosis. When they become inflamed, the condition is known as diverticulitis.

  • Left-sided Appy
  • Most common location: Sigmoid colon
  • Fever/chills/Nausea/vomiting/left-sided abdominal pain
  • The most common cause of massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding

DX: Diagnose using abdominal and pelvic CT with oral, rectal, and IV contrast; do colonoscopy 1 to 3 months after the episode to look for cancer.

  • CT revealing fat stranding and bowel wall thickening

TX: Management depends on severity but typically includes conservative management (pain control + liquid diet x 2-3 days), sometimes antibiotics, and sometimes percutaneous or endoscopic ultrasound-guided drainage or surgical resection

  • Recurrent attacks or the presence of perforation, fistula, or abscess require surgical removal of the involved portion of the colon
  • Increase bulk of the diet with high-fiber foods and bulk additives such as Metamucil
Esophageal cancer Progressive dysphagia to solid foods along with weight loss, reflux, and hematemesis

  • Squamous cell m/c worldwide and adenocarcinoma common in the US


  • A complication of Barrett's esophagus (screen Barrett's patients every 3-5 years with endoscopy) affects distal (lower) 1/3rd of the esophagus

Squamous cell:

  • Associated with smoking and alcohol use
  • Affects the proximal (upper) 2/3rds of the esophagus
  • Progressive dysphagia, weight loss, hoarseness
  • Diagnostic studies: Endoscopy + biopsy
  • Treatment: Resection
Esophageal Strictures Solid food dysphagia in a patient with a history of GERD

  • GERD and Scleroderma
  • Ingestion of corrosive substances
  • Viral or bacterial infections


  • Difficulty and painful swallowing, weight loss, Regurgitation of food

Esophageal achalasia: primary esophageal motility disorder characterized by the absence of lower esophageal peristalsis.

  • Difficulty swallowing caused by a failure of the LES to relax and poor peristaltic waves, producing a motor disorder signified by initial complaints of dysphagia for solids and liquids.

DX: Barium swallow shows there is acute tapering at the lower esophageal sphincter and narrowing at the gastroesophageal junction, producing a "Bird’s beak" or "rat's tail" appearance - distal 2/3 most common

  • Esophageal manometry is the best test to diagnosis shows the absence of esophageal peristalsis

TX: EGD dilation of the esophagus or myotomy is the preferred treatment

Esophageal web: thin membranes in the mid-upper esophagus. May be congenital or acquired

Plummer-Vinson: esophageal webs + dysphagia + iron deficiency anemia

A Schatzki ring is a diaphragm-like mucosal ring that forms at the esophagogastric junction (the B ring). If the lumen of this ring becomes too small, symptoms occur

Gastric cancer Present with weight loss, abdominal fullness/pain, anemia, early satiety, melena, anorexia, guaiac-positive stool

  • Adenocarcinoma
  • The incidence is extremely high in Japan, Chile, and Iceland.
  • Risk factors for gastric cancer:
    • a family history of gastric cancer
    • gastric ulcers
    • Helicobacter pylori
    • pernicious anemia
  • SX:
    • a loss of appetite
    • difficulty swallowing, particularly difficulty that increases over time
    • vague abdominal fullness
    • nausea and vomiting weight loss
    • abdominal fullness prematurely after meals
  • DX: EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) and biopsy showing gastric cancer
    • a CBC showing microcytic/hypochromic anemia
    • positive guaiac
  • Radiation therapy and chemotherapy can be beneficial but the prognosis is poor
Heartburn and dyspepsia Dyspepsia and abdominal pain are common indicators of gastritis

Three causes:

1. Autoimmune or hypersensitivity reaction (e.g. pernicious anemia)

  • Location: Body of the fundus
  • Pernicious anemia: + Schilling test ↓ intrinsic factor and parietal cell antibodies

2. Infection - H. pylori (most common)

  • Location: Antrum and body
  • Studies: Urea breath test or fecal antigen.
  • Treatment: PPI (Ie. Omeprazole) + clarithromycin + amoxicillin +/- metronidazole

3. Inflammation of the stomach lining (NSAIDS and Alcohol)

  • NSAIDs cause gastric injury by diminishing local prostaglandin production in the stomach and duodenum.
  • Alcohol: a leading cause of gastritis

Peptic ulcer disease

Etiology: H. pylori (most common), NSAID use, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (refractory PUD) - gastrin-secreting tumor

  • Duodenal ulcer- pain improves with food*
  • Gastric ulcer- pain worsens with food

Diagnosis: Endoscopy with biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosis


  • H. pylori infection: Triple therapy PPI (Ie. Omeprazole) + clarithromycin + amoxicillin +/- metronidazole
  • NSAIDs use: discontinue use
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: PPI and resect the tumor

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the anus and rectum

  • Risk factors: Constipation/straining, pregnancy, portal HTN, obesity, prolonged sitting or standing, anal intercourse
  • Hematochezia - rectal bleeding - bright red blood per rectum (BRPPR), painless, fecal soilage
  • DX: Anoscopy if BRBPR or suspected thrombosis

External hemorrhoids - lower 1/3 of the anus (below dentate line)

Patient with external hemorrhoids will present as → a 35-year-old female presents with anal pain and itching, especially during sitting and following bowel movements. She recently gave birth to her second child. On examination, there are swollen, bluish, tender lumps around the anal verge, consistent with thrombosed external hemorrhoids. She is advised on warm sitz baths and is prescribed a topical anesthetic cream for symptomatic relief. She is also educated on the importance of avoiding straining and maintaining soft bowel movements through adequate hydration and fiber intake. She is informed that the thrombosed hemorrhoids may resolve spontaneously, but surgical intervention can be considered if symptoms persist or worsen.
  • Thrombosed:
    • Significant pain and pruritus but no bleeding
    • Palpable perianal mass with a purplish hue
    • Treat with excision for thrombosed external hemorrhoids
Perinanalthrombose 01

Thrombosed external hemorrhoid

Internal hemorrhoids - upper 1/3 of the anus (above the dentate line)

Patient with internal hemorrhoids will present as → a 42-year-old male presents with painless rectal bleeding during bowel movements for the past week. He reports a history of chronic constipation. On examination, there is no visible perianal abnormality. Digital rectal examination is unremarkable, but there is evidence of bright red blood on the glove. An anoscopy reveals enlarged, non-prolapsing internal hemorrhoids. The patient is counseled on dietary modifications, including increased fiber intake and hydration, to alleviate constipation. He is also prescribed a topical hemorrhoidal cream with hydrocortisone and instructed on the importance of regular bowel habits to prevent straining.
  • Bright red blood per rectum, pruritus, and rectal discomfort
  • Treatment: Fiber, sitz bath, ice packs, bed rest, stool softeners, topical steroids
    • Rubber band ligation If protrudes with defecation, enlargement, or intermittent bleeding
    • Closed hemorrhoidectomy if permanently prolapsed

Classification of internal hemorrhoids is based on the degree of prolapse

  • Grade I: visualized via anoscopy; do not prolapse below the dentate line
  • Grade II: prolapse out of the anal canal with defecation or straining but reduce spontaneously
  • Grade III: prolapse out of the anal canal with defecation or straining and require manual reduction
  • Grade IV: irreducible and may strangulate

Hemorrhoids grade IV

Grade IV internal Hemorrhoids

Hepatic carcinoma Abdominal pain, weight loss, right upper quadrant mass

Etiology: Cirrhosis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis D, Aflatoxin from Aspergillus

  • Tumor Marker: ↑ alpha-fetoprotein and abnormal liver imaging

Treatment: Resection, Transplant - Poor prognosis

Hernias (inguinal, femoral, incisional)  Inguinal hernias:

  • Indirect (Most Common): Passage of intestine through the internal inguinal ring down the inguinal canal, may pass into the scrotum. Often congenital and will present before age one.
  • DirectPassage of intestine through the external inguinal ring at Hesselbach's triangle, rarely enters the scrotum.

Ventral: Often from previous abdominal surgery, obesity.  Abdominal mass noted at the site of previous incision.

Umbilical hernia: Very common, generally is congenital and appears at birth.  Many umbilical hernias resolve on their own and rarely require intervention. Refer to surgery if an umbilical hernia persists >2 years of life.

Strangulated: Hernia becomes strangulated when the blood supply of its contents is seriously impaired.

Obstructed: This is an irreducible hernia containing intestine that is obstructed from without or within, but there is no interference to the blood supply to the bowel. 

Incarcerated: Hernia so occluded that it cannot be returned by manipulation, it may or may not become strangulated.

Hiatal hernia Image by Adobe Stock

Hiatal (diaphragmatic): Involves protrusion of the stomach through the diaphragm via the esophageal hiatus.

  • It can cause symptoms of GERD

Tx: acid reduction may suffice, although surgical repair can be used for more serious cases.

Inflammatory bowel disease Image by Smarty PANCE

Crohn's Disease vs Colitis ulcerosa

Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis will present as  a 32-year-old woman comes to your office with a 6-month history of loose bowel movements, approximately eight per day. Blood has been present in many of them. She has lost 30 pounds. For the past 6 weeks, she has had intermittent fever. She has had no previous gastrointestinal (GI) problems, and there is no family history of GI problems. On examination, the patient looks ill. Her blood pressure is 130/ 70 mm Hg. Her pulse is 108 beats/ minute and regular. There is generalized abdominal tenderness with no rebound. A sigmoidoscopy reveals a friable rectal mucosa with multiple bleeding points.

Isolated to the colon starts at the rectum and moves proximally

  • Most common in the rectum
  • Mucosal surface only
  • Hematochezia and pus-filled diarrhea, fever, tenesmus (feeling of incomplete defecation), anorexia, weight loss
  • Barium enema: Lead pipe appearance (loss of haustral markings) -> may lead to toxic megacolon
  • Colonoscopy: continuous lesions in the mucosa/submucosa of rectum and colon


  • Colectomy is curative
  • Medications: Prednisone and mesalamine

Lead pipe appearance on Double-contrast barium enema. Image by Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA. License: CC BY 3.0

Crohn's disease

Crohn’s disease will present as → a 25-year-old man with an 18-month history of chronic abdominal pain. The patient has seen several physicians and has been diagnosed as having a “nervous stomach,” irritable bowel syndrome, and “depression.” Associated with this abdominal pain for the past 3 months have been nonbloody diarrhea, anorexia, and a weight loss of 20 pounds. He has developed a painful area around the anus. On examination, the patient has diffuse abdominal tenderness. He looks thin and unwell. He has a tender, erythematous area in the right perirectal area.

From mouth to anus, transmuralskip lesions, and cobblestoning!

  • Mouth to anus
  • Most common in the terminal ileum
  • Skip lesions
  • Transmural thickening
  • Fistulas common, abscess
  • Abdominal pain, aphthous ulcers, weight loss, nonbloody diarrhea, and cramping
  • Barium enema: Cobblestone appearance
  • Colonoscopy: focal ulcerations alternating with normal mucosa


  • Flares: Prednisone +/- Mesalamine +/- Metronidazole or Ciprofloxacin
  • Maintenance: Mesalamine
  • Surgery is not curative. The adjacent portion of the bowel is affected post-op

Stenóza čreva

Stenosis of the colon with cobblestoning particular to Crohn's disease

Jaundice Serum bilirubin > 2.5 mg/dl

Causes of postoperative jaundice: 

Prehepatic: Hemolysis (prosthetic valve), resolving hematoma, transfusion reaction, post cardiopulmonary bypass, blood transfusions (decreased RBC compliance leading to cell rupture)

Hepatic: Drugs, hypotension, hypoxia, sepsis, hepatitis, “sympathetic” hepatic inflammation from adjacent right lower lobe infarction of the lung or pneumonia, preexisting cirrhosis, right-sided heart failure, hepatic abscess, pylephlebitis (thrombosis of portal vein), Gilbert syndrome, Crigler-Najjar syndrome, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, fatty infiltrate from TPN

Posthepatic: Choledocholithiasis, stricture, cholangitis, cholecystitis, biliary-duct injury, pancreatitis, sclerosing cholangitis, tumors (e.g., cholangiocarcinoma, pancreatic cancer, gallbladder cancer, metastases), biliary stasis (e.g., ceftriaxone [Rocephin®])

Melena and hematochezia Melena: black, tarry stool - upper GI bleed

  • Gastric cancer, duodenal ulcers, right-sided colon cancer, portal hypertension with esophageal varices, severe erosive esophagitis, Mallory-Weiss syndrome.

Hematochezia: bright red blood per rectum (BRBPR) - lower GI bleed

  • Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, polyps, proctitis, rectal ulcers, and colorectal cancer. Diverticulosis is generally an incidental finding, since diverticular bleeding is usually of greater volume.
Nausea and vomiting Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is an unpleasant complication affecting 30 percent of children and adults after anesthesia

  • Vomiting or retching can result in wound dehiscence, esophageal rupture, aspiration, dehydration, increased intracranial pressure, and pneumothorax.

Nausea can have causes that aren't due to underlying disease. Examples include motion such as from a car and plane, taking pills on an empty stomach, eating too much or too little, or drinking too much alcohol

Pancreatic carcinoma An elderly man with large nontender palpable gallbladder (Courvoisier's sign)

Painless jaundice is pathognomonic

  • The 4th leading cause of death from cancer in the U.S.
  • The disease is slightly more common in men than in women and risk increases with age.
  • The cause is unknown, but the incidence is greater in smokers.
  • Almost one-third of cases of pancreatic carcinoma can be attributed to cigarette smoking and ETOH abuse.
  • Most commonly ductal adenocarcinoma located at the pancreatic head


  • weight loss/epigastric abdominal pain, clay-colored stools
  • Jaundice + palpable non-tender gallbladder (Courvoisier’s sign)
  • Virchow's node (or signal node) is a lymph node in the left supraclavicular fossa (the area above the left clavicle) that is associated with pancreatic cancer


  • ERCP
  • abdominal CT scan:  75% show tumor at the head of the pancreas, 25% at the tail
  • pancreatic Bx
  • abdominal MRI
  • elevated serum bilirubin
  • abnormal liver function tests
  • CA 19-9 is present in about 80% of patients who have pancreatic cancer


  • At the time of diagnosis, only about 20% of pancreatic tumors can be removed by the standard procedure is called a pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple procedure).
  • When the tumor is confined to the pancreas but cannot be removed, a combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy may be recommended

Illustration of Whipple procedure

The Whipple procedure involves removing the antrum of the stomach, part of the duodenum, the head of the pancreas, and gallbladder

MBq cystic-carcinoma-pancreas

CT with IV contrast showing pancreatic adenocarcinoma at the head of the pancreas.

Pancreatic pseudocyst Pancreatitis and a palpable epigastric mass

  • Cystic collection of tissue, fluid, and necrotic debris surrounding the pancreas
  • Classically occur 2-3 weeks after acute pancreatitis
  • Presents with abdominal pain and a palpable epigastric mass
  • CT scan is the study of choice

Treatment - if pseudocyst persists for 4 to 6 weeks or continues to enlarge

  • Surgical decompression (pancreaticogastrostomy)
  • Percutaneous drainage
  • Can become infected and lead to peritonitis
Peptic ulcer disease PUD is an ulcer of the upper GI tract mucosa involving the proximal duodenum (90%) and distal stomach (10%). There are 2 main types of ulcers duodenal and gastric

Duodenal ulcer (food classically decreases pain think Duodenum = Decreased pain with food)

  • Duodenal ulcers are more than twice as common as gastric ulcers
  • Duodenal ulcers are most commonly caused by H. pylori (95%)
  • Pts typically present with epigastric pain that is better postprandial

Gastric ulcer (food classically causes pain)

  • Gastric ulcers are most commonly caused by H. pylori. Can also be caused by NSAIDs, acid reflux, smoking
  • Pain is described as gnawing or burning and usually radiates to the back
  • Pts typically present with epigastric pain that is worse postprandial

Bleeding — Acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage is the most common complication of peptic ulcer disease

DX: Upper endoscopy is the most accurate diagnostic test for peptic ulcer disease

  • Biopsy for H. pylori should be obtained in all patients undergoing upper endoscopy for PUD unless contraindicated
  • Ulcer biopsy of benign-appearing duodenal ulcers is not recommended
    • All ulcers with malignant features should be biopsied

TX: All patients with peptic ulcers should receive antisecretory therapy with a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) (eg, omeprazole 20 to 40 mg daily or equivalent) for 4-8 weeks

  • Patients with evidence of H. pylori on biopsy should receive eradication therapy
    • Treatment for H.Pylori ⇒ think Baseball "CAP" = clarithromycin + amoxicillin + PPI
    • In patients with active bleeding, a negative biopsy result does not exclude H. pylori, and a breath test or a stool antigen test for H. pylori should be performed to confirm a negative result
    • In patients who receive treatment for H. pylori, eradication should be confirmed four or more weeks after the completion of therapy
  • Discontinue nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Patients with duodenal ulcers who have been treated do not need further endoscopy unless symptoms persist at four weeks or recur
Pyloric stenosis An infant with projectile vomiting

ReelDx Virtual Rounds (Pyloric stenosis)

Pyloric stenosis is a congenital condition where a newborn’s pylorus undergoes hyperplasia and hypertrophy, leading to obstruction of the pyloric valve which causes vomiting (that might be projectile), as well as dehydration and metabolic alkalosis

Projectile vomiting occurs shortly after feeding in an infant < 3 mo. old with a palpable “olive-like” mass at the lateral edge of the right upper quadrant
  • Pediatric patients < 3 months old
  • Nonbilious projectile vomiting after most or every feeding
  • Physical exam - palpable epigastric olive-shaped mass (is pathognomonic for the disorder)

DX: Diagnosis is by ultrasound

  • On ultrasound, you will see a “double-track”
  • Barium studies will reveal a string sign or “shoulder sign”
  • Labs: Hypochloremic, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis (secondary to dehydration) 

TX: surgical correction - pyloromyotomy (Ramstedt's procedure) 


Pyloric stenosis as seen on ultrasound in a 6-week-old. Notice the "double track" (red arrow)

Small bowel carcinoma The most common presenting symptom of a small bowel tumor is abdominal pain- typically intermittent and crampy in nature

  • Adenocarcinomas represent from 25 to 40 percent of small bowel cancers - highest in the duodenum
  • Crohn's disease predisposes to adenocarcinoma within the involved area of the small intestine
  • Diagnosis includes radiographic (computed tomography [CT] scan, small bowel series, enteroclysis) or endoscopic (wireless capsule endoscopy, push enteroscopy, double-balloon endoscopy)

Treatment is surgery — Localized adenocarcinomas of the small bowel are best managed with wide segmental surgical resection

  • Adjuvant chemotherapy to patients with lymph node-positive
Toxic megacolon
Patient will present as → a 24-year-old man with ulcerative colitis who receives Lomotil for excessive diarrhea and develops a fever, abdominal pain, and tenderness, and a massively dilated colon on abdominal x-ray.

A complication of ulcerative colitis (most common), Crohn’s, Hirschsprung’s, pseudomembranous colitis, enteritis

  • Life-threatening form of colon distention
  • Pt will present with FEVER, rigid and markedly distended abdomen with peritonitis and shock
  • Common in patients with Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease

DX: Toxic megacolon is diagnosed based on clinical signs of systemic toxicity combined with radiographic evidence of colonic dilatation (diameter >6 cm)

The most widely used criteria for the clinical diagnosis of toxic megacolon are:

  • Radiographic evidence of colonic distension
  • PLUS at least three of the following:
    • Fever >38ºC
    • Heart rate >120 beats/min
    • Neutrophilic leukocytosis >10,500/microL
    • Anemia
  • PLUS at least one of the following:
    • Dehydration
    • Altered sensorium
    • Electrolyte disturbances
    • Hypotension

TX: Decompression of the colon is required

  • In some cases, colostomy or even complete colonic resection may be required

Toxic Megacolon in Ulcerative Colitis

Toxic Megacolon seen in ulcerative colitis. The patient underwent a colectomy.

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