Level 1 Diseases: Physician Assistant National Recertification Exam (PANRE)

Level 1 Diseases: Physician Assistant National Recertification Exam (PANRE)

Level 1 Diseases - PANRE and Pilot Alternative

PANRE Level 1 Diseases and Disorders:

The Physician Assistant National Recertification Exam (PANRE) Blueprint covers the following 280 level-one assessment topics.

Topics assessed at level one requires the following:

  • Recognize most likely diagnosis using signs, symptoms, and risks; refer appropriately.

Example assessment of level 1 disorder abdominal aortic aneurysm:

  • The classic presentation is an older male (>60y) with severe back or abdominal pain who presents with syncope and hypotension with a tender pulsatile abdominal mass. If > 5.5 or > 0.5 cm expansion in 6 months - refer for immediate surgical repair (even if asymptomatic).

Additional PANRE Assessment Levels:

PANRE Level 1 Assessment topics