Level 2 Diseases: Physician Assistant National Recertification Exam (PANRE)

Level 2 Diseases: Physician Assistant National Recertification Exam (PANRE)

Level 2 Diseases - PANRE and Pilot Alternative

PANRE Level 2 Diseases and Disorders

The Physician Assistant National Recertification Exam (PANRE) Blueprint covers the following 177 level-two assessment topics.

Topics assessed at level two require the following:

  • Make appropriate diagnosis by recognizing signs, symptoms, risks, and/or interpreting results of diagnostic studies, and have knowledge of first-line treatment.

Example assessment of level 2 disorder Mastoiditis

  • Complication of acute otitis media. Fever, otalgia, pain, erythema posterior to the ear, and forward displacement of the external ear. Organisms: S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis, S. aureus, S. pyogenes. Most cases of mastoiditis can be clinically diagnosed but a CT scan of the temporal bone with contrast is the imaging of choice for complicated mastoiditis or toxic-appearing patients. For simple mastoiditisoral antibiotic treatment should cover the most common pathogens. Consider IV antibiotics (ceftriaxone) and ENT referral in more serious cases or with patients with unreliable follow-up. Drainage by procedures such as tympanocentesis or myringotomy may also be considered

Additional PANRE Assessment Levels:

PANRE Level 2 Assessment topics